Doogle adds some magic

Doogle adds some magic

One can’t help but remember Toto, the Cairn terrier in The Wizard of Oz when you meet Doogle.

This three-year old Cairn terrier loves his walks with his owner Wendy.

“We walk an hour in the morning and then in the evening which is an absolute must for Doogle,” explains Wendy.

This sturdy little Scottish breed is everything a terrier was designed to be: strong, up on his toes and spirited.

“We live in an apartment on Russell St which has a backyard,” says Wendy.

Doogle, however loves his walks in the Treasury Gardens or Flagstaff Gardens.

“We could do with more doggie parks in the city,” says Wendy.

Currently, Wendy takes Doogle to North Melbourne where Doogle meets and plays with his other canine buddies.

Doogle loves to play and is a busybody.

“He loves his green treat bowl which I fill with treats when I go to work,” adds Wendy.

True to the nature of the breed, Doogle is possessive of his food and toys.

Doogle has a collection of Kong toys that keep him busy when Wendy is away at work.

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